This is part of the Tanzanian government’s move to enforce the ban on the sachet-packed liquor, which came into effect on Wednesday under two ordinances: the National Environment Management 2004 and Intoxicating Liquors Act, 1968 and its 2012 amendments. “The operation to enforce the ban on production, sale, and use of alcohol packed in plastic sachets will be carried out all over the country from March 2, this year, through safety and security committees and environmental protection committees at regional, district, division, ward, village and Mtaa levels,” said January Makamba, Tanzania’s Minister of State in the Vice President’s Office for Union Affairs and Environment. He added: “These committees are required to submit their report during and after the operation to the President’s Office (Regional Administration and Local Government) and copy to the Vice President’s Office.” The operation is likely to be a showdown because since the notice of the ban was issued, busine...